Sunday, November 7, 2010

Okay, I'm going back about 7 months but here we are. We move'd to St. Thomas, Virgin Islands!

I have promised so many friends, family, and even myself that I would update our blog and be super diligent about adding to it once we moved to St. Thomas.  Well, it's been 6 months since the move and I guess moving across the world didn't help me. Recently we lost our 10 year old TV.  Our old, heavy, projection screen TV finally kicked the bucket and look at me now, I am finally doing something with my life.  I guess if I can't," sit around watching TV and eating potato chips", to quote my Papa, I can actually get stuff done.  Okay, so here are a few things that we've been up to since our move.  

1 comment:

Cameron and Katie said...

I am so proud! I can just imagine you on the phone with someone, having them walk you through the steps to blogging, AGAIn, and this time you did TONS! I am so glad that your TV broke, because I seriously have been checking you blog almost every day, even though you never posted. Thank you, thank you!